Dzoole village, zonne-energie


Het volgende bericht kregen we uit Dzoole vollage:

Installation of solar electricity in 5 teachers’ houses at Dzoole Primary School is completed.
Teachers are now very happy to live just like their counterparts who are living in electrified houses in the nearby town.
They can now live without thinking about the hassle of travelling to charge their cellphones.
“I now have the liberty of preparing my work as a teacher even at night in light and the school laptop will easily be charged and utilised,” Sophex Wilford, one of the teachers living in the houses confessed with joy.
Installation of this solar power works as an incentive to the teachers as they will be attracted and motivated to continue working at such a remote school.
In the end students will benefit from having teachers within the village where they can go and get extra educational support after classes.
We therefore thank Soroptimist De Eemsmond through Help Malawi-Nederland for the support of €2123 to install this solar power in all the 5 teacher houses at Dzoole Primary School.