Cycloon in Malawi

Ravage door storm Ana in Malawi

Op 1 februari kregen we via  Future4all Malawi bericht dat Dzoole village getroffen is door een tropische  cycloon die eind januari over Malawi raasde.

Future4all schreef:

Deze cycloon veroorzaakte veel schade en verlies aan levens veroorzaakt in Malawi en Mozambique. Momenteel zijn in totaal 106 695 huishoudens ernstig getroffen in Malawi met in totaal 21.558 ontheemde huishoudens in kampen.
Tot nu toe zijn 25 doden, 142 zware gewonden en 3 vermisten geregistreerd.
Ntcheu District waar Future4All Malawi actief is, behoort tot de districten die zwaar getroffen zijn.
In totaal zijn 7440 huishoudens getroffen. In totaal zijn 7.039 huizen ingestort en sommigen hebben hun daken eraf geblazen en bezittingen achterlatend en beschadigd. 401 families hebben hun gewassen totaal beschadigd op hun akkers.

Sproptimistclub de Eemsmond heeft 150 euro gedoneerd om te helpen de eerste nood op te vangen.

Mocht iemand individueel een donatie willen doen, dat kan op :

NL31INGB0006030340 tnv Stichting HELP Malawi Nederland, Bussum o.v.v Ana

  • Club De Eemsmond

Lemani, onze contactpersoon in Dzolle village schreef:

“We had a business shutdown in blackout due to terrible cyclone Ana from Mozambique. It has left hundreds of people homeless now with roads and bridges washed away. Schools have been temporally closed in the southern region including the district Ntcheu.

The number of affected families kept on increasing due to heavy rains that hit again on Saturday. The number is now at 53 houses/families. Some of these families are now living in their kitchen rooms outside their damaged houses; some are living with their relatives. Those who were in school and churches are now living in temporary houses.   The Government has not yet provided them with any support. Red Cross Society and churches contributed to provide the victims with plates, plastic sheets to cover the roofs, buckets to be used to draw water from boreholes. We are still waiting for the government to intervene, but we do not know when and how. Actually the families need support with utensils, blankets, and food. They are going to rebuild their houses starting April when rains stop.