SIE Refugee Scholarship


SIE Refugee Scholarship

Door: Anne-Marie Vreman, SIE Scholarship Committee Chairperson 2021-2023

    Dear Presidents, Dear Soroptimists,

    As you all know, this year a provision of 25.000 euros was voted by the Governors, from the surplus, for Refugee Scholarships.

    Soroptimist International of Europe (SIE) aims to enable refugee women and girls to achieve their own advancement and financial independence in their present country of reception.

    Education is giving a voice to women and girls. It inspires my colleagues in the Committee and me, and we would like you to help us to find applicants for SIE Refugee Scholarship grants.

    We hope that you give us much work as you find and present many gifted women and girls, candidates for our grants.

    It is thus my great privilege to send you the documents concerning the SIE Refugee Scholarship grants 2023.

    Please be advised that only applications from Clubs and Unions in good standing will be considered by the Scholarship Committee.

    Club Presidents will have to fill in the application form, signed by them and the Union President.

    The application will be sent by email to and, labelled “Refugee application”.

    Please find below the detailed instructions and documentation to apply for a SIE Refugee Scholarship grant:

    The deadline for submission is set to 1st March 2023.

    Don’t hesitate to contact the SIE Scholarship Committee for any information or help.

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