Een krachtig NEE van Soroptimisten in Europa tegen Turkse opheffing van de Istanbul Conventie


Een krachtig NEE van Soroptimisten in Europa tegen Turkse opheffing van de Istanbul Conventie

    As the President of Soroptimist International of Europe, the 33,000 network of professional women, I say a strong NO to the Turkish government annulling the ratified Istanbul Convention. Human rights are women’s rights, violations of any kind should always be adamantly opposed and punished.

    Women’s rights groups in Turkey and around the world are raising their voices against the presidential decree withdrawing from the Convention. The women of Turkey will no longer be protected especially in times when domestic violence cases have risen.

    A coalition of women’s groups statement read, “It is obvious this withdrawal will empower murderers, abusers, and rapists of women,”.

    The Istanbul Convention is the first international treaty binding the signatory countries to implement effective measures to prevent violence against women, to build and provide support mechanisms for the victims, implement better policies, services, and benefits.

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