Photo Competition


Photo Competition

    We hebben onlangs de oproep gedaan om deel te nemen aan de achtste editie van de Soroptimist International of Europe Photo Competition, getiteld Through the Eyes of Soroptimists.
    Alle inzendingen moeten uiterlijk op 15 juni 2021 zijn ingediend (de deadline is verlengd)!

    Dear Soroptimists, 

    We recently issued the call to participate in the eighth edition of the Soroptimist International of Europe Photo Competition entitled Through the Eyes of Soroptimists.

    The SIE Programme Team is hoping that it will be a success again this year! If you have any questions about the process or haven’t seen the form, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    You can also download the form from  HERE.

    The following rules apply:

    For the participants:

    • The competition is open to all Soroptimists who are members of the European Federation
    • This year, we would be delighted to receive videos as well!
    • Each participant can submit up to two photos related to the theme proposed or one video.
    • The participant must be the author/photographer, video maker and copyright owner of the submitted photos / videos.
    • The participant has the responsibility to obtain the consent of all the people in the photo /video to be published.
    • Members of the Jury and the SIE Enlarged Board are not allowed to participate

    For the photos:

    • Each photo must be accompanied by a completed Entry Form, including title, date taken and description
    • The photos should be between 1MB and 8MB in size
    • Each photo must be the original and unpublished work of the participant

    For the video – Mandatory technical characteristics

    • Each video must be accompanied by a completed Entry Form, including title, date of creation and description
    • Maximum duration: 1 minute
    • Format: 16:9
    • Orientation: landscape
    • If the video contains text or dubbing, we recommend English or French (the video may be in original language but in this case, we will ask for subtitles in English or French)
    • Respect for the main theme “We Stand up for women”
    • Videos must be the original and unpublished work of the participant

    By taking part in the competition, the participant allows SIE to use the photo (or video) through electronic and printed media.

    All entries must be submitted by 15 June 2021 (the deadline has been extended)!

    We look forward to receiving lots of creative photos and videos!

    Inge Withof

    SIE Assistant Programme Director & Chair of the 2021 Jury

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